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Due to substantial increases in costs associated with holding our exhibition at Leamington College we have decided that we can no longer continue to use the venue for our annual exhibition. We are therefore faced with finding a new venue for our event. This will take some time and it may not be possible in the future for us to host a medium sized, two day show.


We believe the pre-Covid model of financing model railway shows with income from traders subsidising admission fees is no longer viable now that many traders have found they can do much of their business on-line.

For more information please email


The clubhouse contains a library of railway related materials: books, magazines and periodicals, photographs and videos. The clubhouse contains a small workshop which is available to all members.


The Society has over 80 members mainly from South Warwickshire and the surrounding areas.  Most of the members belong to one of layout groups but many just like to meet other members and chat in the library area with its extensive range of railway books and magazines.  Several of the members also have their own layouts which have exhibited at our own or other shows.


We have seven club layouts in various stages of construction in all the major gauges: N (Kineton, Toysleigh and Midway), OO (Duxbury and "Project 2"), P4 (Clarendon) and O (Kimble) and these regularly appear on the exhibition circuit and in the modelling press.  All the layouts would welcome new joiners.


If you want further information about the club, its activities, directions to the club rooms or the exhibition, please contact

The Leamington & Warwick Model Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales Company No.: 04938339 Registered Charity Number: 1117232

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